Google Announces Memcached For Database Caching

Accelerating workloads for data store has been boosted thanks to Google after they rolled out the open-source Memcached in-memory data store recently.

This new service will help aid high-performance applications and stabilize transactions. Memcached are mostly used for various things such as gaming leaderboards, stream analytics, API rate limiting and even threat detection.

However, the service is only available in selected major regions in the US, Asia and Europe but will eventually be available worldwide in the coming weeks.

Google Product Manager, Gopal Ashok further explained the features of this new service that the giant tech company handed out to the public via a published blog.

“Memcached offers a simple but powerful in-memory key value store and is popular as a front-end cache for databases. Using Memchached as a front-end store not only provides an in-memory caching layer for faster query processing, but it can also help save costs by reducing the load on your back-end databases”, Ashok stated.

The Google executive additionally pointed out the services that everyone can enjoy through the Memorystore for Memcached.

“The scaling feature of Memorystore for Memcached, along with detailed open source Memcached monitoring metrics, allows you to scale your instance up and down easily to optimize for your cache-hit ratio and price. With Memorystore for Memcached, you can scale your cluster up to 5 TB per instance”.

As it is under the umbrella of Google, Memorystore for Memcached can be merged other applications such as Google’s Compute Engine, Google’s Kubernetes Engine (also known as GKE), App Engine Flex, Cloud Functions and App Engine Standard.