Cloudflare Drops Google’s reCAPTCHA For hCaptcha

Cloudflare, an internet web infrastracture company is getting rid of Google’s reCaptcha service for another service called the hCaptcha.

One of the main reasons for this decision is that Google will be changing their business model because they are planning to require a fee for the service, as what the company told Cloudflare earlier this year.

In replacement to the old service, Cloudflare will be tapping the new bot detection provider hCaptcha.

Another major reason for this shift in the service provider is the security issues that Google were having with regards to their reCaptcha service.

In a blog post released by Cloudflare, they stated that issues such as selling personal data, slow performance, issues for the visually-impaired, lack for support in Privacy Pass and restrictions is some regions of the world were part of hCaptcha’s solution in the previous problems that Cloudflare experienced with Google’s reCaptcha.